38 research outputs found

    How fast do stabilizer Hamiltonians thermalize?

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    We present rigorous bounds on the thermalization time of the family of quantum mechanical spin systems known as stabilizer Hamiltonians. The thermalizing dynamics are modeled by a Davies master equation that arises from a weak local coupling of the system to a large thermal bath. Two temperature regimes are considered. First we clarify how in the low temperature regime, the thermalization time is governed by a generalization of the energy barrier between orthogonal ground states. When no energy barrier is present the Hamiltonian thermalizes in a time that is at most quadratic in the system size. Secondly, we show that above a universal critical temperature, every stabilizer Hamiltonian relaxes to its unique thermal state in a time which scales at most linearly in the size of the system. We provide an explicit lower bound on the critical temperature. Finally, we discuss the implications of these result for the problem of self-correcting quantum memories with stabilizer Hamiltonians

    Divide and conquer method for proving gaps of frustration free Hamiltonians

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    Providing system-size independent lower bounds on the spectral gap of local Hamiltonian is in general a hard problem. For the case of finite-range, frustration free Hamiltonians on a spin lattice of arbitrary dimension, we show that a property of the ground state space is sufficient to obtain such a bound. We furthermore show that such a condition is necessary and equivalent to a constant spectral gap. Thanks to this equivalence, we can prove that for gapless models in any dimension, the spectral gap on regions of diameter nn is at most o(log(n)2+ϵn)o\left(\frac{\log(n)^{2+\epsilon}}{n}\right) for any positive ϵ\epsilon.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication/published in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/aaa793, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, March 201

    Quantum logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and rapid mixing

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    A family of logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on finite dimensional quantum state spaces is introduced. The framework of non-commutative \bL_p-spaces is reviewed and the relationship between quantum logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and the hypercontractivity of quantum semigroups is discussed. This relationship is central for the derivation of lower bounds for the logarithmic Sobolev (LS) constants. Essential results for the family of inequalities are proved, and we show an upper bound to the generalized LS constant in terms of the spectral gap of the generator of the semigroup. These inequalities provide a framework for the derivation of improved bounds on the convergence time of quantum dynamical semigroups, when the LS constant and the spectral gap are of the same order. Convergence bounds on finite dimensional state spaces are particularly relevant for the field of quantum information theory. We provide a number of examples, where improved bounds on the mixing time of several semigroups are obtained; including the depolarizing semigroup and quantum expanders.Comment: Updated manuscript, 30 pages, no figure

    Non-commutative Nash inequalities

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    A set of functional inequalities - called Nash inequalities - are introduced and analyzed in the context of quantum Markov process mixing. The basic theory of Nash inequalities is extended to the setting of non-commutative Lp spaces, where their relationship to Poincare and log-Sobolev inequalities are fleshed out. We prove Nash inequalities for a number of unital reversible semigroups

    Finite correlation length implies efficient preparation of quantum thermal states

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    Preparing quantum thermal states on a quantum computer is in general a difficult task. We provide a procedure to prepare a thermal state on a quantum computer with a logarithmic depth circuit of local quantum channels assuming that the thermal state correlations satisfy the following two properties: (i) the correlations between two regions are exponentially decaying in the distance between the regions, and (ii) the thermal state is an approximate Markov state for shielded regions. We require both properties to hold for the thermal state of the Hamiltonian on any induced subgraph of the original lattice. Assumption (ii) is satisfied for all commuting Gibbs states, while assumption (i) is satisfied for every model above a critical temperature. Both assumptions are satisfied in one spatial dimension. Moreover, both assumptions are expected to hold above the thermal phase transition for models without any topological order at finite temperature. As a building block, we show that exponential decay of correlation (for thermal states of Hamiltonians on all induced subgraph) is sufficient to efficiently estimate the expectation value of a local observable. Our proof uses quantum belief propagation, a recent strengthening of strong sub-additivity, and naturally breaks down for states with topological order.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Are neural quantum states good at solving non-stoquastic spin Hamiltonians?

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    Variational Monte Carlo with neural network quantum states has proven to be a promising avenue for evaluating the ground state energy of spin Hamiltonians. Based on anecdotal evidence, it has been claimed repeatedly in the literature that neural network quantum state simulations are insensitive to the sign problem. We present a detailed and systematic study of restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) based variational Monte Carlo for quantum spin chains, resolving exactly how relevant stoquasticity is in this setting. We show that in most cases, when the Hamiltonian is phase connected with a stoquastic point, the complex RBM state can faithfully represent the ground state, and local quantities can be evaluated efficiently by sampling. On the other hand, we identify a number of new phases that are challenging for the RBM Ansatz, including non-topological robust non-stoquastic phases as well as stoquastic phases where sampling is nevertheless inefficient. Our results suggest that great care needs to be taken with neural network quantum state based variational Monte Carlo when the system under study is highly frustrated.Comment: 10+5pages, 13 Figure

    Hilbert's projective metric in quantum information theory

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    We introduce and apply Hilbert's projective metric in the context of quantum information theory. The metric is induced by convex cones such as the sets of positive, separable or PPT operators. It provides bounds on measures for statistical distinguishability of quantum states and on the decrease of entanglement under LOCC protocols or other cone-preserving operations. The results are formulated in terms of general cones and base norms and lead to contractivity bounds for quantum channels, for instance improving Ruskai's trace-norm contraction inequality. A new duality between distinguishability measures and base norms is provided. For two given pairs of quantum states we show that the contraction of Hilbert's projective metric is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a probabilistic quantum operation that maps one pair onto the other. Inequalities between Hilbert's projective metric and the Chernoff bound, the fidelity and various norms are proven.Comment: 32 pages including 3 appendices and 3 figures; v2: minor changes, published versio